Journey underwater
I leave you with a few pictures from the underwater world:
Coral (UAE)
More Coral (UAE)
Fish Trying to hide (UAE)
Lobster (Oman)
Fish you could swim through (UAE)
Rarely seen fish (Kuwait)
Old and Ugly (UAE) I mean really, this fish looks like the skin of an old man
Spiky (UAE)
Parrot Fish... Lovely (Kuwait)
The closest I've ever been to dolphins in open water(Kuwait)
More Parrot Fish (Kuwait)
More and more Parrot Fish(Kuwait)
And there are things you have to take a photo with... Like this very nice turtle (I know, we're not supposed to grab them. But can anyone really resist it??
This dive was the best when it comes to visibility underwater... Kuwait waters are usually not so clear, but visibility it was exceptional that day. (Kuwait)
You may also come across fish where you really have to shoot and that's when a spear guns comes really handy... yummy yummy (Kuwait)
You still have to keep an eye for dangerous fish... Awareness is really important when you're diving in a new region for the first time
Lion Fish DO NOT TOUCH (kuwait)
Sting Ray... Really really nice yet dangerous (Kuwait)
Eel, I didn't see any in of them Kuwait (UAE)
That's all folks the dive is over...
till next time (hopefully next weekend, it's only been 2 weeks of bad weather and it feels like ages, I need to dive SOOOON)
هم نبيها خمسة
Glad you liked them.
The pictures are from different dive sites, some in kuwait some outside kuwait, I have written the country name next to each picture.
couldn't see all the pictures
dunno why
but I guess u know my favorites
Parrot fish ولا غير el Parrot fish
Reading your comment with a bit more concentration I realized I didnt answer you properly.
Good dive sites in Kuwait are:
#1 Qarooh Island: best dive site if not for the long ride
#2 Om Al Maradem Sheeb:الشيب الي شمال الجزيرة
#3 Om Al Maradem Island: very close so you dont really have to worry about the weather
#4 Bnayya about 8 minutes away from khairan resort, not a bad dive site because it is very close
#5 Kubbar Island but you really have to watch it, too many boats and surfacing at the end of the dive is a bit of a problem unless you navigate properly and surface close to your boat.
Try it with a decent connection, not through dial-up
Abi :(
White Wings told me I can take classes with her m7ammad.. Can I?
Oh I forgot to mention
Amazing pictures
WOW!! A bit scary but amazing!
you can but not now, he still didnt get his instructor license, I think he will havce it in a few months.
I am not saying this because he's my brother, but you should really wait till he does, he is a better instructor than the one we obtained our licenses from.
And thanks
Really not scarey. it's fun, it's not like you'll get attacked by lion fish or sting rays, they are only dangerous if you try to touch them.
So you are safe till you pass across a great white shark, he he he
Wayed wanasa!
And I agree M7ammad would make a great instructor, but diving is scary business.. The gear, the pressure, and the lack of air
I'd rather sit home and watch Nemo
Well nemo's environment is more colorful than kuwaiti water that's for sure, but nothing is better than diving... well, not nothing :p
papi, nunu, shurouq & PEPSI-GUY
It is scary for sure
& our instructur sucks
this comes from an anti-diving person
You are not scaring me, you anti-diving woman! mali sheghil feech.. I'm goin down >;(
Yullah, I'll be waiting for Mr.M7ammad to get his license.
Let's hope we don't wait untill Yasmeeno's curls reach the groud. By the way, wain owsalaw?
I forbid you from posting such non-sense on my post :)
walla lately her hair has really grown long, if not for the curls I think it would reach all the way till the middle of her back but with the curls mako faidah
U can't forbid me
Diving's Scary
Diving's Dangerous
Diving's وايد عفيسة وما تسوى عفيسته
Alia, I believe you!
يوزي عاد. بسك تخرع بالعالم
ما عليكي من عالية ترى مصداقيتها مثل مصداقية جريدة الوطن
I know what I will get when I comment on this post, but I will take my chances..
great pictures, great diver
take it easy on me :)
white wings,
ليش تتحيلقين له
لبنان وماراح نوديج
وديبيش مود منتي شايفته هالسنة
white wings
Great diver... I know
Great pictures...Thanks, but I guess you're saying that because you know most of them were taken by Muhammad, right.
stop mocking people for not going to Lebanon, it's not like we have our reservations confirmed yet.
سكتي عنهم لا يدعون علينا و ما نحصل حجز
صور حلوة وجميلة
بس البحر بكبرة يخوف متروس أسماك قرش :)
مشكور بس البحر ما يخوف... صار لنا سنين نغوص ولي الحين ما شفنا ولا سمكة قرش الا في الامارات وكنا رايحين مكان مخصوص عشان نشوفهم... بايعينها من قلب
وبعدين ترى القرش ما راح يجيك مني والطريج ويعضك لأن طعم لحم البشر ما يعجبه عشان شذي تشوف اغلب الحوادث تكون عضة واحدة وبس
بعدين محد قال لك تعال غوص بنص البحر, يعني خلك حوالين الجزر عند الشعاب المرجانية ولا تحاتي
ولله فى خلقه شئون
شج فرق بين جمال هالسمك ونبيها خمسه
خلق وفرق
ما فهمت...
قصدك شباب وشابات نبيها 5 جكر؟
واذا كان جوابك نعم جكر... على الاقل مو زفرين
السؤال المهم هو
اذا الواحد ما يعرف يسبح, يقدر يغوص و الا لا؟
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kila ma6goog
بلى يقدر يغوص,,, بس اهي غوصة واحدة وما يطلع بعدها.
يعني ينزل مثل البلد
بكسر الباء
Well, actually I havent tried that many underwater photography solutions so I am not in a position to give any advise.
These photos were taken using a sony DSC-T30 along with the underwater housing MPK-THC Cyber-shot® Marine Pack:
I think you should try a digital camera, even if the picture quality is not as clear at least you can take 10 pictures of the same thing (not worrying about the film running out) and then decide which to keep and which to delete.
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